30 يونيو 2010

الوصول الحر للمعرفة في المؤتمر 76 للإفلا

الوصول الحر للمعرفة في المؤتمر 76 للإفلا
يعقد المؤتمر السادس والسبعون للإفلا هذا العام تحت عنوان " الوصول الحر للمعرفة؛ تعزيز التقدم المستدام" ، وذلك بمدينة جوتنبرج بالسويد في الفترة 10-15 أغسطس.
من المعلوم أن للسويد إسهامات بارزة في حركة الوصول الحر، وربما من أبرز هذه الإسهامات استضافتها (عن طريق جامعة لاند) لدليل دوريات الوصول الحر (دواج). صفحة المؤتمر على الرابطة التالية:

23 يونيو 2010

Who's Who in Open Access: Norbert Lossau

Dr Norbert Lossau is the Director of Göttingen State and University Library (SUB Göttingen), Germany, one of the five largest research libraries in Germany, founded in 1734. He is member of various national and international steering committees and advisory boards, among others the Main Committee for Research Libraries and the Sub-Committee for Information Management at the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), the Beirat Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, the Executive Board of the German Initiative for Network Information (DINI), SPARC Europe Executive Board, the European Research Libraries organisation LIBER Board, the new international organisation COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories) Board Chairman, the Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities (GCDH) Board, the D-Grid Advisory Board and the Springer SBM European Library Advisory Board. Currently he is the scientific coordinator of the European project OpenAIRE, implementing the Open Access pilot of the European Commission and has been one of the founders of the German national information platform on Open Access (www.open-access.net). His areas of activity include advanced digital services development, new paradigms in scientific publishing and communication, university-wide strategies for scientific information, eScience/e-Humanities and international collaboration.

Who's Who in Open Access: Ellen R. Tise

Ellen Tise is currently the Senior Director, Library and Information Services at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. She has served on the Governing Board and Executive Committee of IFLA between 2001 and 2005, and between 2007-2009; the IFLA Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE) Advisory Board 2003 – 2005; the IFLA Africa Section Standing Committee (2001-2007) and was chairperson of the National Committee for the IFLA 73rd World Library and Information Congress, held in Durban South Africa August 19-23, 2007. She has published various articles in professional journals and is a regular speaker at national and international conferences, seminars, symposia, etc.

Who's Who in Open Access: Alma Swan

Alma Swan obtained a first class honours degree in zoology in 1974 and a PhD in cell biology in 1978 from Southampton University. After research fellowships funded by the Cancer Research Campaign at Southampton General Hospital and St. George's Hospital Medical School (London), she took a position as Lecturer in Zoology at the University of Leicester. Her research was in medical cell biology and she taught a range of courses from vertebrate biology to the biology of cancer. In 1985, she moved into science publishing as managing editor of a Pergamon Press (later Elsevier Science) biomedical research indexing service, published both in print and online. In 1996 she jointly founded Key Perspectives.
Though she has worked in the commercial sphere for 20 years, she retains links with academic life: for four years she was tutor and consultant for the Open University Business School’s MBA programme and since 1991 has been tutor for two business strategy courses on Warwick Business School’s MBA programme. She holds honorary roles as business mentor and teacher for the Institute for Entrepreneurship (part of the School of Management) at the University of Southampton, is a Visiting Researcher in the School of Electronics & Computer Science at the University of Southampton, and Associate Fellow in the Marketing and Strategic Management Group at Warwick Business School. Alma has an MBA from Warwick Business School, is a Member of the Institute of Biology and is an elected member of the Governing Board of Euroscience (the European Association for the Promotion of Science and Technology) and the editor of its online magazine, The Euroscientist

Who's Who in Open Access: Richard Poynder

Richard Poynder writes about information technology, telecommunications, and intellectual property. In particular, he specialises in online services; electronic information systems; the Internet; Open Access; e-Science and e-Research; cyberinfrastructure; digital rights management; Creative Commons; Open Source Software; Free Software; copyright; patents, and patent information.
Richard has contributed to a wide range of specialist, national and international publications, and edited and co-authored two books: Hidden Value and Caught in a Web, Intellectual Property in Cyberspace. He also writes "
Open and Shut?" blog.

Who's Who in Open Access: John Willinsky

John Willinsky is Professor of Education at the Stanford University School of Education. He is the author of Empire of Words: The Reign of the OED (Princeton Univ. Press, 1994), The Access Principle: The Case for Open Access to Research and Scholarship (MIT Press, 2006), and is a developer of Open Journals Systems software

Who's Who in Open Access: Stevan Harnad

Stevan Harnad was born in Hungary and did his undergraduate work at McGill University and his graduate work at Princeton University. Currently Canada Research Chair in Cognitive Science at Universite du Quebec a Montreal and Professor in Electronics and Computer Science at Southampton University, UK, his research is on categorization, communication, and cognition

Who's Who in Open Access: Peter Suber

Peter Suber is an independent policy strategist for open access to research. Most of his work consists of research, writing, consulting, and advocacy. Nowadays he's a Berkman Fellow at Harvard University, Senior Researcher at SPARC, the Open Access Project Director at Public Knowledge, and Research Professor of Philosophy at Earlham College. He writes the SPARC Open Access Newsletter and the Open Access News blog.

06 يونيو 2010

اسبوع الوصول الحر

للقارئ الكريم:

هذه رسالة تذكير أخرى بأسبوع الوصول الحر في الفترة ما بين ١٨-٢٤ اكتوبر 2010 ، ونأمل من الكل الاهتمام بهذا الحدث.

Open Access Week, a global event now entering its fourth year, is an opportunity for the academic and research community to continue to learn about the potential benefits of Open Access, to share what they’ve learned with colleagues, and to help inspire wider participation in helping to make Open Access a new norm in scholarship and research.