31 ديسمبر 2014

Directory of Open Access Repositories in the World

OpenDOAR provides a quality-assured listing of open access repositories around the world. OpenDOAR staff harvest and assign metadata to allow categorisation and analysis to assist the wider use and exploitation of repositories. Each of the repositories has been visited by OpenDOAR staff to ensure a high degree of quality and consistency in the information provided: OpenDOAR is maintained by SHERPA Services, based at the Centre for Research Communications at theUniversity of Nottingham.

OpenDOAR maintains a comprehensive and authoritative list of institutional and subject-based repositories. It also encompasses archives supported by funding agencies like the National Institutes for Health in the USA or the Wellcome Trust in the UK and Europe. For our definitions of repository types, please see the footnotes for the relevantOpenDOAR statistical chart.

Search or Browse for Repositories

All the repositories around the world can be searched or browsed by
  • Subject Area
  • Content type
  • Country
  • Language
  • Software

30 ديسمبر 2014

28 ديسمبر 2014

Saudi Medical Literature

Saudi Medical Literature 

SaudiMedLit is a database which provides access to references from medical journals published in Saudi Arabia . Many of the medical journals published in Saudi Arabia are not available for searching via the Internet and the ones which are now available must be searched individually.Medical libraries often receive requests from health professionals to search for medical topics related to Saudi Arabia . As far as we are aware, most of the medical information related to Saudi Arabia is published in Saudi medical journals. As there is no method of searching all these journals in one online database, the Information Services staff must search individual journals on the Internet and then search others manually, an inefficient and time-consuming method of accessing information.

Saudi Medical literature provide you the access to the following

Health Science Library NWAFH   
Free e-Journals
Free e-Books


25 ديسمبر 2014

UNESCO Launches Open Access Curricula

UNESCO Launches Open Access Curricula for Researchers and Librarians

The OA curricula developed by UNESCO includes a set of customized modules which can be easily be fitted with the educational needs of different OA stakeholders and can be integrated with any sensitization programmes of OA. 
The curricula for Library and Information Science Professionals entitled “Open Access for Library Schools”, consists of four course modules. An Introductory Module aims at sensitizing the library community about the history, evolution, forms and impact of OA within the domain of scholarly communication environment and covers issues related to rights management, IPR and advocacy. The remaining three modules cover subject areas of OA Infrastructure, Resource Optimization and Interoperability and Retrieval.  These sections give insights into the features, types, maintenance and standardization of OA resources, information retrieval/storage software and highlight the role of the new dimension of web-enabled resources such as e-journals, e-repositories and ICTSs.

24 ديسمبر 2014

Open Access Arab Repository AR

Arab Repository 

The Arab Repository is the first web site to present Arab world journals through a single portal in a form of an Open Database.. Web based and easy to access, the Arab Repository adds a new tool to the Open Access world, hoping to give more visibility to the Arab world research and scientific contribution and leverage awareness among the scientific community world wide.

One can browse the repository by:

  • Browse by Article
  • Browse by Country
  • Browse by Journal
  • Browse by Institution
  • Browse by Subject


23 ديسمبر 2014

One more Journal become Open Access

College & Research Libraries Journal is now Open Access

College & Research Libraries Goes
Fully Open Access

Association of College and Research (ACRL) has decided to make college and Research Libraries Journal fully Open Access. Now One more Journal become Open Access.

The current issue of November 2014 and the other remaining past issues can be accessed fully and freely through the link below


22 ديسمبر 2014

Open Access Databases

Open Access Databases

These databases are freely accessible on the internet. Some databases require that you register but access is then free of charge.
  • Amedeo
    Bibliographic monitoring of medical scientific journals. Reference database.
  • arXiv.org
    Open access archive to electronic preprints of scientific articles in mathematics, statistics, computer science and physics.
  • BASE: Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
    Interdisciplinary search engine. Find free academic web resources with scientific content.
  • Bibliotek.dk Joint library catalogue for Danish public and academic libraries.
  • BioMed Central 
    Medical, nursing and biomedical research. Independent publisher. Open access to all source articles published by BioMed in full-text after publication.
  • CiteSeerX
    Digital library and search engine for scientific literature, primarily on computer and information science, featuring autonomous citation indexing.
  • Cochrane Library
    Clinical medicine: A collection of databases featuring overviews of the effect of prevention, measures, treatment, surgery etc. Subject gateway, full-text, references.
  • Cogprints: Cognitive Sciences Eprint Archive
    Electronic repository of articles and papers on psychology, linguistics, philosophy, computer technology, biology and more submitted by the authors.
  • DiVA: Academic Archive On-line
    An open access institutional research archive for Nordic universities (Swedish dominance). DiVA was developed at the Unit for Digital Publishing at the Uppsala University Library.  
  • DML: Digital Mathematics Library
    "Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs". Mathematical full-text articles.
  • DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals
    Free access to full-text articles from quality assured scientific journals.
  • EconPapers
    "The world's largest" collection of on-line working papers, journal articles and more on economics, most of which is freely available.
  • eMedicine
    "The original open access comprehensive medical textbook for all clinical fields".
    On-line knowledge bank for clinical medicine. Knowledge-based content with up-to-date peer-reviewed guidelines and medical articles.
  • ERIC
  • Free Medical Journals.com
    Free access to 430 medical journals with various embargoes for articles in full-text
  • Google Scholar
    Scholarly search engine
  • GoPubMed
    Specialist search engine for PubMed.
  • High North Research Documents
    Freely available research documents thematically relevant to the high north
  • HighWire Press, Stanford University
    Freely available full-text articles on medicine and health science (varying embargoes apply)
  • Intute
    Subject gateway with quality assessed Internet resources for education and research.
  • NORA: Nowegian Open Research Archives
    National search service for scientific information in open institutional repositories.
  • Norwegian and Nordic index to periodical articles (Norart)
    Interdisciplinary reference database with focus on social and health science. Published by the National Library of Norway.
  • Open-JGate
    Comprehensive portal to open access full-text journals from around the world.
  • OTseeker
    An Australian database containing abstracts of systematic reviews relevant to occupational therapy and physiotherapy.
  • PEDro
    Reference database. Knowledge-based physiotherapy, treatment and preventative measures.
  • PubMed
    Free version of Medline. References to articles in medicine, nursing, odontology, healthcare, biology and related subjects.
  • PubMed Central
    Free archive containing biomedical and scientific journal articles from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).
  • Scirus: For Scientific Information Only
    Comprehensive scientific search engine. Peer-reviewed articles in full-text from all the large databases and scientific digital archives.  
  • Statistics Norway
    Statistical tables and statistical analyses by Statistics Norway. Publications from Statistics Norway in full-text
  • SveMed+
    Reference database. Nordic health science journals in Swedish, English, Norwegian and Danish. Patient information from 2001.
  • WHO Library Database (WHOLIS)
    Reference database, full-text database. All WHO publications and more, often with links to full-text documents.
  • World Bank Group Documents and Reports
    Gives access to more than 14,000 free World Bank documents.

21 ديسمبر 2014

Take Advantage of Open-Access Publishing

Take Advantage of Open-Access Publishing

Open access has special significance for those of us here in the Arab world.
We feel the argument for open-access publishing stems from both an orientation towards the public good and an objection to injustice. We hope that researchers’ main aim in conducting research is to benefit others and so they should want to reach as wide an audience as possible when publishing. Second, there is an extreme injustice in the financial model of academic publishing—for electronic versions of journal articles, at least. As Curtis Rice correctly points out in “Open Access Will Make Research Better,” publishers get the money from subscription-based journals, but the publishers pay nothing to the authors of those articles or the peer reviewers who ensure their quality—the people at the heart of academic publishing.
Why should Arab researchers (or any researcher, really) care?

18 ديسمبر 2014

Four Hundred Peer Reviewed Open Access Journals

Open Access Scholarly Journals

OMICS Group International through its Open Access Initiative hosts over 400 leading-edge peer reviewed Open Access Journals and organizes over 300 International Conferences annually all over the world. OMICS Group signed an agreement with more than 1000 International Societies to make healthcare information Open Access. 

These 400 open access journals covers almost 22 subjects. These journals can be browsed or can be searched by the keywords.

To access these journals follow the link

17 ديسمبر 2014

مبادرة "#بكتب-بالعربي" من "سامسونج" لإثراء المحتوى العربي

      • طرحت سامسونغ خلال المبادرة رسومات خاصة بحروف اللغة العربية لمشاركتها كصور لملفاتهم الشخصية
          مع اقتراب الاحتفال باليوم العالمي للغة العربية الذي يصادف 18 كانون الأول (ديسمبر)، تطلق سامسونج الكترونيكس المشرق العربي، مبادرتها "#بكتب_بالعربي" والتي تعنى بإثراء المحتوى العربي، وتدعو من خلال هذه المبادرة جميع مستخدمي قنوات التواصل الاجتماعي والأفراد إلى استخدام اللغة العربية.
          وتهدف مبادرة سامسونج إلى حرصها على دعم اللغة العربية وتمكين المستخدمين من لغتهم الأم، وتعد المبادرة استكمالاً لحملة "بقلم عربي" والتي أطلقت مسبقاً للتعريف بخاصية قلم S Pen الذي يتعرف على الكتابة باللغة العربية على أجهزة نوت الذكية، لتعمل على إثراء المحتوى العربي على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي كافة.

Science Direct offers Open Access Journals

Science Direct Open Access Journals

Science Direct provides access to 279 open access journals from around the world.
These journals can be searched or browsed.

The open access journals list can be filtered by the subjects covered as

  • Physical science and Engineering
  • Life Sciences
  • Health Sciences
  • Social Sciences and Humanities

Follow the link below to get an access of these open access journals


15 ديسمبر 2014

Conference on Open Access: Get Free Registration

Open Access to Research Data as a Driver for Open Science : RECODE Final Conference

Time: January 15, 2015 to January 16, 2015                             
Location: National Documentation Centre      
Street: 48, Vassileos Konstantinou Ave.   
City/Town: Athens, Greece                           
Event Type: conference
Organized By: RECODE Project                           

Registration is open. You can Register yourself free by following the link below

The conference  aims to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on open science and open access to research data in particular by providing a forum for discussion that brings together an excellent line-up of international experts and key stakeholders. The Conference is designed around the following key themes:
  • Policies for open access to research data
  • Good practices in enabling re-use of research data
  • Open research data and research cultures
  • PSI as research data and vice versa
  • Grand challenges in opening access to research data
The conference will showcase the results from RECODE and officially launch the RECODE Policy Recommendations. The key impact of RECODE will be to reduce fragmentation in the open access ecosystem by providing practical and evidence based advice to the organisations involved in facilitating open access to research data. This will be achieved through the production of overarching recommendations as well as specifically targeted at the following stakeholder groups:
  • Data managers
  • Funders
  • Publishers
  • Research institutions
The RECODE final conference provides an opportunity for learning as well as taking part in a rich dialogue regarding open access to research data within the current European research landscape. The Agenda and location information can be found on the RECODE website.
The conference is organized by the National Documentation Centre and will take place at the National Hellenic Research Foundation in the heart of Athens.  Attendance is free but registration is required. The conference will be broadcast through live streaming.

14 ديسمبر 2014

Open Access Research Database

Open Access Research Database OARD:           

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications provides an Open Access Research Database (OARD) for Scientists, Scholars, Researchers and Engineers to exchange their research work, technical notes, & surveying results among professionals through out the world.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP) is a quality publication of peer reviewed and referred international journals from diverse fields in sciences, engineering and technologies that emphasizes new research, development and their                       applications.

It has been providing the open access to the databases covering the following subjects

  • Computer and Information Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
  • Medical & Health Sciences
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Engineering and Technology

You can browse or search OARD by the following link


11 ديسمبر 2014

Islamic Heritage Material freely Available


Through the Islamic Heritage Project (IHP), Harvard University has 
cataloged, conserved, and digitized hundreds of Islamic manuscripts, maps, and published texts from Harvard’s renowned library and museum collections. These rare—and frequently unique—materials are now freely available to Internet users worldwide. IHP is made possible with the generous support of Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal.

For the IHP, Harvard’s Open Collections Program (OCP) has produced digital copies of over 280 manuscripts, 275 printed texts, and 50 maps, totaling over 156,000 pages. Users can search or browse online materials that date from the 10th to the 20th centuries CE and represent many
  • regions, including Saudi Arabia, North Africa, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and South, Southeast, and Central Asia;
  • languages, primarily Arabic, Persian, and Ottoman Turkish; also Urdu, Chagatai, Malay, Gujarati, Indic languages, and several Western languages; and
  • subjects, including religious texts and commentaries; Sufism; history, geography, law, and the sciences (astronomy, astrology, mathematics, medicine); poetry and literature; rhetoric, logic, and philosophy; calligraphy, dictionaries and grammar, as well as biographies and autobiographical works.

10 ديسمبر 2014

The cost of complying with OA

The Cost of Complying with OA: Survey

The study, commissioned by SPARC Europe and London Higher, aims to explore both the financial and administrative implications to researchers and administrative staff of complying with funder OA policies.

Expected outputs include indicative costs to institutions of making articles OA through gold and green routes; and the estimated cost to UK HE institutions of complying with RCUK and HEFCE policies.

The research is being undertaken by Research Consulting. 
You can read more information about the research on the Research Consulting blog.  The Survey can be found here.

09 ديسمبر 2014

What are Authors’ Attitudes to Open Access Publishing in 2014

The Results of the 2014 Taylor & Francis Open Access Survey

What are authors’ attitudes to open access publishing in 2014? With open access continuing to have a high profile, is all the debate and discussion helping to inform researchers and influence their thinking? Released for the first time today, the 2014 Taylor & Francis Open Access Survey asked researchers a series of questions on their perceptions of open access; their attitudes, values and understanding of it; and what they believe the future of research communication to be. Having previously surveyed their authors in 2013, Taylor & Francis are now able to offer some intriguing shifts in opinions, placing responses from both years next to each other to show how views have changed, and to what degree.

Responses showed that positive attitudes towards open access, when discussed in general, are growing. There were significant increases in the proportions strongly agreeing that open access offered a wider circulation than publication in a subscription journal (from 38% to 49%), and that it offered higher visibility (27% to 35%). 70% of respondents also disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement ‘There are no fundamental benefits to open access publication’, an increase of 10% year-on-year and a strong indicator that open access continues to be viewed as a force for good.
This positive picture blurs though when contrasted against authors’ future intentions on publishing their own work. When authors were asked about their future plans for publishing more articles as gold open access, 47% were unsure (the largest group). When asked if they plan to publish more articles as green open access, 46% said yes, with 41% unsure. Could understanding how to deposit their work be one of the causes of this uncertainty? Half of respondents report making their last article green open access, whether depositing it in a repository, uploading it to a website, or giving permission for someone to do this on their behalf. Lack of understanding of publishers’ policies on repositories was given as the single most important factor in deciding not to deposit.  Other reasons, in descending order, were lack of time, lack of technical understanding, concerns around discoverability, and around longevity. 
Licences continue to be a contentious issue, with 53% of authors showing a first or second preference for the CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Despite strong advocates for CC-BY, it remained the ‘least preferred’ option in this survey. However, there is evidence that opinions on this are softening as understanding increases, with this proportion dropping from 52% in 2013 to 35% this year.
Dr David Green, Global Journals Publishing Director, said of the survey,
“This year’s follow-up survey builds on the largest OA author survey undertaken by any publisher, and provides us with more evidence that we are on the right track in the transition to Open Access.  We clearly have much work left to do in simplifying our policies and documentation so that our author communities are in no doubt as to what their OA options are. We will also continue to inform and work with global research funders and those societies for whom we publish, so that we can continue to improve the services and products that author communities require of a professional research publisher."
The full survey results and top level report is now available on Taylor & Francis Online, with findings on open access mandates to be published soon. 

07 ديسمبر 2014

Emerald Offers Free Access

Emerald Group Publishing offers Free Access 

Emerald Group of Publishing offering free access until 31 December 2014. 

There are some selection of articles from Emerald which can be accessed absolutely free of charge within the specified period of time.

To access the free articles from Emerald please follow the link below


04 ديسمبر 2014

Open Access Button

Open Access Button

The key functions of the Open Access Button are finding free research, making more research available and also advocacy. Here's how each works.

Research published in journals that require you to pay to read can sometimes be accessed free in other places. These other copies are often very similar to the published version, but may lack nice formatting or be a version prior to peer review. These copies can be found in research repositories, on authors websites and many other places because they're archived. To find these versions OAB identify the paper a user needs and effectively search on Google Scholar and CORE to find these copies and link them to the users.

If a free copy isn't available OAB aim to make one. This is not a simple task and so it has to use a few different innovative strategies. First, an email being sent to the author of the research and ask them to make a copy of the research available - once they do this OAB will send it to everyone who needs it. Second, we create pages for each paper needed which, if shared, viewed, and linked to an author could see and provide their paper on. Third, we're building ways to find associated information about a paper such as the facts contained, comments from people who've read it, related information and lay summaries.
