29 مارس 2015

Improving Access to Development Research

Improving access to development research from IDS and beyond

IDS is celebrating the milestone achievement of one million downloads from its new open access digital library of development research – IDS OpenDocs.

Image: 'Somalia, Mogadishu. Two students from Mogadishu University use a laptop as they study at home.' (Sven Torfinn / Panos)

IDS OpenDocs is an open access repository of development research from the IDS research community and the digital arm of the British Library for Development Studies’ (BLDS) based at IDS. OpenDocs enables anyone with an internet connection to search and read full-text publications from its collection of developing country research. It is free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions.


26 مارس 2015

11th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, & Scientometrics (WIS)

11th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS) and the 16th COLLNET Meeting 2015

November 26-28, 2015 New Delhi, India 

The conference will consider, but not be limited to, the following indicative theme: 

A. Emerging Issues in Scientometrics
  • Science Policy and Collaboration
  • Informatics law and distributions
  • Mathematical Models of Communication and Collaboration
  • Quantitative Analysis of S&T Innovations
  • Evaluation Indicators
  • Collaboration in Science and Technology - Quantitative and Qualitative Points of View
  • Bibliometric Research Tools
B. Data Management 
  • Data Analysis and Data Mining
  • Open Access Management and its Impact

Call for papers

Papers are invited for COLLNET 2015. Please submit extended abstract (3 pages) latest by 5th April 2015 to collnet2015@gmail.com and a copy to Prof. Hildrun Kretschmer at kretschmer.h@onlinehome.de. 

Fo more details about the Conference visit the conference page.

23 مارس 2015

UNESCO’s Open Access (OA) Curriculum is now online

UNESCO’s Open Access (OA) Curriculum is now online

“Building inclusive Knowledge Societies through information and communication” is one of the key objectives for UNESCO’s Medium-Term Strategy. By adopting this objective, UNESCO Member States have recognized that knowledge plays a key role in economic growth, social development, cultural enrichment and democratic empowerment. This decision of the Members States has influenced UNESCO‘s Open Access program, through which the organization received a unique mandate to work on OA policy issues; bridge knowledge pools on OA across the world and build capacities to better understand Open Access.

19 مارس 2015

Ireland: The Transition to Open Access

Ireland: The Transition to Open Access

Open Knowledge are a partner in the PASTEU4OA project, reinforcing open access strategies and policies at a national level and facilitating their coordination among EU Member States. As part of the project activities a series of country case studies are being published. Open Knowledge have delivered a case study looking at Ireland’s transition to Open Access. It includes a brief description of Ireland’s higher education and research infrastructure, and an overview of the scholarly communication systems including publisher output. This is followed by a short history of the development of Open Access policies in the country, including all aspects of implementation and supported infrastructures. The case study concludes with a look at challenges and on-going issues such as measuring the socio-economic impact of Open Access across Irish society and the economy, and capacity building. 


This case study of Ireland the transition to open access can be access at


18 مارس 2015

Open Access Indicators and Scholarly Communications in Latin America

Open access indicators and scholarly communications in Latin America (Book)

This is the book which is result of a joint research and development project supported by UNESCO and undertaken in 2013 by UNESCO in partnership with the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), the Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal (RedALyC), Africa Journals Online (AJOL), the Latin America Social Sciences SchoolBrazil (FLACSO-Brazil), and the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO). This book aims to contribute to the understanding of scholarly production, use and reach through measures that are open and inclusive.

This book can be accessed by this link

12 مارس 2015

The Online Bibliography of Ottoman -Turkish Literature

The Online Bibliography of Ottoman-Turkish Literature - Osmanlı Edebiyatı Bibliyografyası Veritabanı

The Online Bibliography of Ottoman-Turkish Literature is a free and extensive database of references to theses, books, articles, papers and projects relating to research into Ottoman-Turkish culture. 

The bibliography aims to serve as the principal reference for scholars working on Turkey and the Middle East, and for specialists studying other medieval and early/modern literature. It is open also to record-submissions from visitors, and we invite all relevant scholars and researchers to post entries relating to their works. Such submissions become available publicly following review.

08 مارس 2015

Directory of Open Access Journals Introduces New Standards With SPARC

Directory of Open Access Journals Introduces New Standards With SPARC

The Directory of Open Access Journal DOAJ has introduces its new standards to help community and to address quality concern. These standards have been published by SPARC.

     Image result for DOAJ

To explore the DOAJ standards follow the link


05 مارس 2015

Open access: academic publishing and its implications for knowledge equity in Kenya

Open access: Academic Publishing and its implications for knowledge equity in Kenya

It is a very interesting article discussing the open access in the perspective of academic publishing and its implications towards the knowledge equity.

Traditional, subscription-based scientific publishing has its limitations: often, articles are inaccessible to the majority of researchers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where journal subscriptions or one-time access fees are cost-prohibitive. Open access (OA) publishing, in which journals provide online access to articles free of charge, breaks this barrier and allows unrestricted access to scientific and scholarly information to researchers all over the globe. At the same time, one major limitation to OA is a high publishing cost that is placed on authors. Following recent developments to OA publishing policies in the UK and even LMICs, this article highlights the current status and future challenges of OA in Africa. We place particular emphasis on Kenya, where multidisciplinary efforts to improve access have been established. We note that these efforts in Kenya can be further strengthened and potentially replicated in other African countries, with the goal of elevating the visibility of African research and improving access for African researchers to global research, and, ultimately, bring social and economic benefits to the region. We (1) offer recommendations for overcoming the challenges of implementing OA in Africa and (2) call for urgent action by African governments to follow the suit of high-income countries like the UK and Australia, mandating OA for publicly-funded research in their region and supporting future research into how OA might bring social and economic benefits to Africa.


03 مارس 2015

International Open Access Week 2015

Open Access Week 2015

Event Date: 
MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2015 to SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2015
Event Location: 

Image result for open access week 2015

Open Access Week, a global event now entering its ninth year, is an opportunity for the academic and research community to continue to learn about the potential benefits of Open Access, to share what they’ve learned with colleagues, and to help inspire wider participation in helping to make Open Access a new norm in scholarship and research.
“Open Access” to information – the free, immediate, online access to the results of scholarly research, and the right to use and re-use those results as you need – has the power to transform the way research and scientific inquiry are conducted. It has direct and widespread implications for academia, medicine, science, industry, and for society as a whole

Open Access Week website.

02 مارس 2015

Open Edition Books Syria

Open Edition Books Syria

OpenEdition Books invites you to explore the different dynamics at stake in Damascus, Alep, Homs or in the countryside. Mixing historical and contemporary understandings, at the crossroad of literature, politics, economics, cultural studies or religion studies, this offers a reading of Syria through multiplicity and contextualization, stepping aside from the media rush.

To explore these collection follow the link


01 مارس 2015

Indonesian Publication Index: IPI

Indonesian Publication Index: IPI

The Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science Indonesia Section (IAES) Indonesia Section supported by IAES initiated the establishment of Indonesian Publication Index (formerly Portal Garuda Indonesian Publication Index) in 2012. The Indonesian Publication Index (IPI) is designed for browsing, indexing, abstracting, monitoring and improving the standard of scholarly publications in Indonesia. It is estimated that there will be over 2000 Indonesian journals for inclusion in the IPI database. The contents are very important to be made visible globally, so that Indonesian academics and researchers can be identified his/her expertise, areas of possible collaboration, stimulate use and citations.
