28 مايو 2015

Open Access Archives: Gazi University Turkey

Open Access Archives: Gazi University Open Archive Repository

Gazi University’s Open Archive is an initiative based on the decision taken at the senate meeting held on February 16, 2007 aimed at providing free access at national and international level to the information produced by the academic staff of Gazi University. The Open Archive was developed through the cooperation between the Data Processing Department and the Library and Documentation Department. The archive system was developed in compliance with the OAIPMH. It is registered at ROAR and OpenDOAR. The Open Archive includes articles of the university’s academic staff published in scientific magazines, as well as research projects, conference abstracts, reports, lecture notes and theses.

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21 مايو 2015

Cybrarians Journal

لجنة ترقيات اعضاء هيئة التدريس بالجامعات المصرية تعتمد الدورية الإلكترونية Cybrarians Journal

بعد سنوات من الرفض المتتالي للجان الترقيات باختلاف تشكيلاتها، قررت اللجنة العلمية الدائمة لترقية أعضاء هيئة التدريس في تخصص المكتبات والمعلومات اعتماد الدورية الإلكترونية ضمن قائمة الدوريات التي يعتد بها لنشر بحوث الترقيات. وكانت الدورية قد تقدمت بطلب اعتمادها من قبل اللجنة منذ عام 2009 الا انه قوبل بالرفض من اللجنة انذاك، وكانت تتقدم إدارة الدورية كل عام تقريبا بنفس الطلب وكان يأتي الجواب بالرفض، إلى أن قبلت اللجنة في مايو 2015 اضافة الدورية، بعد أن كانت ترفض الاعتراف بالدوريات الإلكترونية بشكل عام.
ويأتي هذا القرار انصافا للحق واعلاء لقيمة العدل، واعطاء الدورية الإلكترونية Cybrarians Journal المكانة التي تستحقها بعدما حققت من نجاحات على مدار 11 عاما من الصدور المتتابع، حيث حققت الدورية ما لم تحققه اعتى الدوريات المصرية والعربية في التخصص، ففي عام 2009 تم اختيار الدورية من قبل قواعد البيانات العالمية EBSCO لتكشيف الدورية ضمن محتوياتها، وسبق ذلك تكشيف الدورية ضمن دليل دوريات الوصول الحر DOAJ، كما اضافها الناشر العالمي الشهير Ulrich ضمن أدلته للدوريات العلمية، وأدى ذلك إلى اقتناء الدورية كمصدر إلكتروني وبالتالي تم فهرستها في فهارس المكتبات فظهرت في الفهرس العالمي WorldCat في عام 2014 أضيف الدورية إلى قواعد البيانات العربية الشهيرة المنظومة، وفي مطلع 2015 واصت الدورية نجاحها على الصعيد الدولي حيث تم اختيارها من قبل الناشر العالمي الشهير Cengage كي تكشف ضمن قواعد بياناتها الأكاديمية الشهيرة Gale/Cengage. وبذلك تكون الدورية هى الوحيدة على المستوى العربي بين الدوريات المطبوعة والإلكترونية التي حققت تلك الانجازات.
وتتقدم اسرة تحرير الدورية وإدارة البوابة العربية للمكتبات والمعلومات للسادة أعضاء اللجنة العلمية بخالص الشكر على هذا الاختيار وعلى اعتماد الدورية، و ان شاء الله ستكون الدورية على قدر هذا الاختيار.

Publisher pushback puts open access in peril

Delegates at the The Higher Education Technology Agenda (THETA) conference on the Gold Coast last week heard from futurist Bryan Alexander about four possible scenarios for the future of knowledge.
Three of them sounded engaging: there was one where “open information architecture has triumphed”; another where automation is the primary driving force; and a third which is a renaissance of “digitally enabled creativity”.
However, one was chilling. This was where the drive for “open” has failed, and content is locked up in walled gardens.
This future is closer than many of us might care to think. Today the Confederation of Open Access Repositories – an international association of open access (OA) repositories – sounded an alarm that policies are being enacted which, if unchallenged, will ensure that that the foundations for these walls are cemented into place.

Green and gold

There are currently two main approaches to open access publishing: Green and Gold.
Green OA is where the final published version of an article is only available from a journal publisher’s site, after paying a subscription or after an embargo period. However, the authors’ accepted version (after peer-review but before copyediting), or an earlier version, can be made immediately available via a repository – usually at an author’s institution or via a subject repository such as arXiv.
Green OA is the primary way that OA is supported in Australia. This is unlike the UK, for example, which has chosen to support OA via Gold Open Access.
Gold OA is where the journal publisher typically charges the author (or their institution) an “article processing charge” (APC), and it then makes the article freely available to read and reuse via the journal’s website. This is the model used by all journals published by the Public Library of Science.
Gold OA content is both free to read and, because of the license, usually available for wide reuse. Although sometimes there is a compromise, known as Hybrid OA, where some articles in a journal are Gold OA, but publishers also charge a subscription for the non-OA content.

Reversal of rights

This issue raised by COAR has been brought to the fore by a new policy announced by the giant publisher Elsevier relating to embargo periods for articles that can be shared via a “Green OA” policy.
Elsevier’s new policy is a substantial tightening of its rules around Green OA. It states that, if no APC is paid, the author’s accepted version of the article cannot be made publicly available via their institution’s repository until after an embargo period, which ranges from six months to four years.
In addition, the license required is the most restrictive possible, in that it prohibits commercial reuse, or use of excerpts of the work. For example, an author’s colleague would not be able to use a figure from a manuscript in teaching without specific permission. The fully typeset version of the article is available only from the publisher’s site after paying a subscription.
Despite Elsevier heralding the policy as “unleashing the power of academic sharing”, it is really a reversal of the rights of authors with their own manuscripts.
Previously, Elsevier and other publishers had allowed authors to place these accepted versions into repositories with no restrictions on sharing. It’s also worth noting that Elsevier derives immediate income from subscriptions to the final published articles, although there is no evidence that deposition of the accepted version into repositories decreases that income.
Then, in 2012, Elsevier announced that if an institution had a policy on open access, then authors could not share their articles unless the institution had entered into a specific arrangement with Elsevier. This was a policy that was considered so manifestly absurd, not to mention confusing, that it was widely ignored.

Undermining the walls

This is, at its heart, another skirmish in the long running saga of who owns what, and who has rights in scholarly publishing. And, for the publishers, how they derive income from it.
The issue of income has been brought into sharp focus recently by information released by the two biggest funders of OA in the UK, the Wellcome Trust and the UK Research Councils.
In addition, analysis of what organisations in the UK are paying for OA found that in 2013, 20 UK institutions spent £3,312,679 on APCs for hybrid articles, which was on top of the £29,392,142 they had to pay for subscription access to the same journals.
In addition, the vast bulk of APCs – £1,861,757 in the case of Wellcome – are not going to newer publishers who are trying to make a sustainable business out of OA publishing, but to traditional publishers such as Elsevier and Wiley. The majority of money paid to them, including the highest APCs, was going to support hybrid OA.
This debate affects everyone, not just publishers, funders and librarians. Academic research is one of the most valuable global public goods that exists, and its value only multiplies with access and reuse, most of which can’t be predicted or planned.
Building walled gardens or segmented siloes of content only restricts that public good. Nowhere is this shown more starkly than the announcement that, following the Nepal Earthquake, the US National Library of Medicine was activating its Emergency Access Initiative, to provide “temporary free access to full text articles from major biomedicine titles” but there are restrictions on use of content, and it only runs until June 13, 2015.
Is that the future we really want? Where access to information, based largely on research that was publicly funded, has to be doled out as charity? If not, then we should take heed of COAR’s statement.

Open Access Theses and Dissertations

Open Access
Theses and Dissertations: OATD

OATD.org aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1000 colleges, universities, and research institutions. OATD currently indexes 2,635,633 theses and dissertations.

Advanced research and scholarship. Theses and dissertations, free to find, free to use.
Click here

19 مايو 2015

Annual Open Access Symposia 2015

University of North Texas (UNT) Annual Open Access Symposia: 2015 Symposium “Open Access and the Law”
The 2015 symposium’s theme is “Open Access and the Law.”
The scheduled dates of the 2015 symposium — at the UNT Dallas College of Law — are Monday-Tuesday, May 18-19, 2015.
Speakers will include individuals working on the authentication of electronic legal materials as well as on institutional repositories.
The University of North Texas (UNT), in furtherance of its commitment to the global open access movement, sponsors an annual symposium on Open Access.

17 مايو 2015

Open Access Manuscripts Collection Germany

Open Access Manuscripts Collection: SLUB Dresden

The SLUB Dresden’s manuscript collection contains over 448 Islamic manuscripts (196 Ottoman, 184 Arabic, 68 Persian). Following clashes with the Ottomans in the Balkan region, these manuscripts arrived in Europe and were acquired in the 18th and 19th centuries from collections of nobility and scholarly estates. In the 19th century, a large number of Tibetan (438) and Mongolian (58) manuscripts were purchased. Other Oriental manuscripts, i.e. Chinese (18), Japanese (3), Indonesian (9), Sanskrit (1), Hebraic (10) and Ethiopian (4), were bestowed upon the library by private persons.

Extraordinary Volumes

The SLUB Dresden’s manuscript collection includes medieval codices and manuscripts from the time before the invention of printing as well as German and foreign manuscripts of the early modern and modern ages.
16th to the 19th century manuscripts are the main focus of the collection. So-called Saxonica are strongly represented, i.e., chronicles, regional history collectanea, literary manuscripts, biographical and genealogical records, literature of the Saxon court and nobility, as well as collections of letters.
In addition, the collection is enhanced by 305 written literary estates of artists, scientists, writers and musicians of the 18th, 19th, and 20th century who had some relation to Saxony.

14 مايو 2015

National Library of Australia: Open Publish


Image result for open publish
National Library of Australia: Open Publish

The National Library of Australia's open access journal service This service is hosted on Open Journal Systems (OJS). This is an open access journal management and publishing system that assists with every stage of the refereed publishing process, from submissions through to online publication and indexing.

The National Library of Australia hosts this online, open access journal publishing service.


About this Publishing System

Image result for National Library of Australia

12 مايو 2015

Ba'th Party Records Collected by the Iraq Memory Foundation

Ba'th Party Records Collected by the Iraq Memory Foundation IMF

More than ten million digitized page images and fifteen hundred video files collected by the Iraq Memory Foundation (IMF) from the Ba'th Regional Command headquarters and other sources are housed in the Hoover Archives. This vast array of digital files illuminates political conditions in, and governance of, Iraq during Saddam Hussein's regime. The materials are divided into two collections according to origin. The larger collection, which consists of documents created by the Regional Command of the Hiẓb al-Ba'th al-'Arabī al-Ishtirākī (Ba'th Party) and other administrative and security agencies during the Ba'th Party’s reign in Iraq, is accordingly titled the Hiẓb al-Ba'th al-'Arabī al-Ishtirākī records, 1968–2003. A smaller set of video files and printed matter was created by the IMF and other parties after the fall of the Ba'th Party and thus was assigned to a second collection, 

Iraq Memory Foundation issuances, 2003–2009. The Hiẓb al-Ba'th al-'Arabī al-Ishtirākī records contain digitized copies of correspondence, reports, membership and personnel files, judicial and investigatory dossiers, administrative files, school registers, and video recordings. The Iraq Memory Foundation issuances are chiefly videoed oral histories of survivors of Ba'th Party repression and, from Iraqi television, videoed proceedings of Saddam Hussein's trial before the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal. The vast majority of the Ba'th Party records and all of the Iraq Memory Foundation issuances are open for research. Access is obtained via a custom portal on computer workstations in the Hoover Archives reading room, with some printed matter of the Iraq Memory Foundation available as hard copies. Researchers must sign a user agreement before being granted access to these collections. More information is available in the documents listed below.

10 مايو 2015

Medknow: Open Access Publisher


Medknow: Open Access Publisher

Medknow Publications is one of the largest open access publishers in the world. It publish peer-reviewed, online and print-plus-online journals in medicine on behalf of learned societies and associations. It mainly operate the ‘Platinum’ model of open access publishing, providing immediate free access to online journals with no charge to the author or author's institution for submission, processing or publication.

Medknow has

  • 355 Total journals
  • 324 Total associations / societies
  • 134,355 Total articles
  • 125,509 Full text articles
  • 24,392 Manuscripts submitted in '15
  • 170 Manuscripts submitted on May 9, 2015
  • 4,733,488 Articles downloaded in Apr '15
  • 131,538 Articles downloaded on May 9, 2015

Explore Further Medknoiw

07 مايو 2015

What is Open Access? An Overview

What is Open Access? An Overview

Focusing on Open Access to Peer-Reviewed Research Articles and their Preprints
(Peter Suber)

This is an introduction to open access (OA) for those who are new to the concept. Hope it's short enough to read, long enough to be useful, and organized to let you skip around and dive into detail only where you want detail. It doesn't cover every nuance or answer every objection. But for those who read it, it should cover enough territory to prevent the misunderstandings that delayed progress in our early days.
If this overview is still too long, then see my very brief introduction to OA. It's available in 20+ languages and should print out on just one page, depending on your font size. If these pieces are too short, see my other writings on OA, including Open Access (MIT Press, 2012), my book-length introduction to OA. The book home page includes links to OA editions and a continually growing collection of updates and supplements.


05 مايو 2015

Open Access Oriya Books India

Open Access to Oriya Books - Project OAB

OAOB is a not-for-profit project, initiated by National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Srujanika, Bhubaneswar and Pragati Utkal Sangh, Rourkela India. It disseminates the available information in Oriya language treasured in local libraries and individual collections. The project is made available online to millions of readers worldwide. An open access repository containing resources pertaining to Oriya literature and culture, OAOB provides free access to researchers, scholars, historians, librarians, and the general public at all point in time. 

The mission of the project is to preserve cultural history of Orissa by digitizing old, rare and new literary and other texts written in the Oriya language. The primary focus is to digitize rare and copyright-free Oriya documents (books, texts and manuscripts) which are under deteriorating condition in libraries, archives and individual collections in order to make them openly accessible to all.

Owing to the nature of the project, It also call upon people who could provide us access to their libraries and be part of the mission of free access to Oriya books and promote the idea that knowledge and information should be accessible to all and should be free at all point in time. 

Searc the Open Access Books Repository



03 مايو 2015

AUB ScholarWorks digital repositor

American University of Berut Scholar Works Digital Repository

American University Berut  collects, shares, and persistently makes accessible a variety of AUB scholarly digital research material.

Communities in ScholarWork
