المقالة التالية تتناول بعض النماذج لأرضية الواقع وتعرض لبعض من أرهاصات المستقبل في صورة تنبؤية للمستقبل الحافل بالكثير. حقيقة أستمتعت جداً مع هذه المقالة أتمنى أن تنال على استحسانكم أيضاً!!
The future is free
Excerpts:...(H)e believes the digital world is leading the way in successful business and will continue to reduce their prices until they reach zero.
"In the 20th century it was pretty much a trick, there's no such thing as a free lunch and you get what you paid for...
Freemium"Google has 300 products and almost all for free, but more of them are becoming available in a free and paid for version and that's called 'freemium'.
"The expectation is that 90% of people will use the free one but if you are very heavy Gmail user, you may want more storage and you will pay for that...
Open source
"This is a good example of free, open source hardware is this new concept, the idea is that you give it away and people collaboratively work on it.
"If you think of a gadget like your phone, it is a combination of intellectual property and some sand which is the chips and bits of metal.
"If the phone cost £100, then £20 of that is the underlying raw materials and the rest of that is the intellectual property.
"We give away all the intellectual property, so if you want to make our auto-pilots, or our blimps, all the circuit boards and code is out there."...