12 يونيو 2009

مرجع للوصول الحر

أطلق حديثاً موقع الكتاب المصدري للمعلومات العلمية للوصول الحر (Open Access Scholarly Information Sourcebook) OASIS، والذي يهدف إلى تقديم كافة المعلومات حول الوصول الحر، ويغطي الوصول الحر كمصطلح ومقومات ووسائل إنشاء وفوائد وغير ذلك.

OASIS aims to provide an authoritative ‘sourcebook’ on Open Access, covering the concept, principles, advantages, approaches and means to achieving it. The site highlights developments and initiatives from around the world, with links to diverse additional resources and case studies. As such, it is a community-building as much as a resource-building exercise. Users are encouraged to share and download the resources provided, and to modify and customize them for local use. Open Access is evolving, and we invite the growing world-wide community to take part in this exciting global movement.