الحضارة الاسلامية إسهام ممتد حتى وقتنا الحاضر بالرغم من محاولات إختزالها في نطاقات معينة، إلا أنها تجاوزت كافة الحدود. لربما يكون التساؤل ما علاقة هذه التدوينة بموضوع المدونة الوصول الحر، الاجابة على هذا التساؤل هو أن المعرفة في تلك الحقبة التاريخية لم تخضع لرأسمالية الراهنة، بل كانت ذات طابع مثالي في نموذج تداول المعرفة البشرية.
في عام 2007 اتيحت لي فرصة حضور معرض 1001 اكتشاف ( 1001 Inventions exhibition) وتحصلت على الكتاب الذي يحمله داني في نهاية المقطع.
بعض المعلومات عن المقطع أعلاه:
Three school children visit a dusty library to research the story of 'The Dark Ages'. What they find changes their world view dramatically as ingenious inventors and pioneers of science and culture are vividly brought to life.
Starring Oscar-winning legend Sir Ben Kingsley in the role of The Librarian, this astounding movie provides an eye-opening introduction to the 1001 Inventions initiative and is the centrepiece for the global touring exhibition.
Starring Oscar-winning legend Sir Ben Kingsley in the role of The Librarian, this astounding movie provides an eye-opening introduction to the 1001 Inventions initiative and is the centrepiece for the global touring exhibition.
1001 Inventions is a global educational initiative that promotes awareness of a thousand years of scientific and cultural achievements from Muslim civilisation from the 7th century onwards, and how those contributions helped build the foundations of our modern world.
The 1001 Inventions global touring exhibition and the educational products that accompany the exhibition all highlight the scientific and technological achievements made by men and women, of different faiths and cultures that lived in Muslim civilisation.
Originally launched in the United Kingdom in March 2006, 1001 Inventions was created by the Foundation for Science, Technology and Civilisation (FSTC), a British based non-profit, non-religious and academic organization. Working with world’s leading academics, 1001 Inventions engages with the public through educational media and interactive global exhibitions, in order to highlight the shared cultural and technological inheritance of humanity.
A previous smaller 1001 Inventions exhibition toured the UK starting at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester back in March 2006. It then went to Cardiff, Wales, Birmingham Thinktank, Glasgow Science Centre, Scotland and at the Museum of Croydon, London.