21 أبريل 2015

Open Access Publishing at the Max Planck Society

Open Access Publishing at the Max Planck Society

The Max Planck Society promotes open access in a variety of ways. Firstly, scientists are supported in adopting an open access strategy when they wish to publish the results of their work.
They have the opportunity to take the “green road” when publishing their findings using the Max Planck publication repositoryMPG.PuRe.
The "golden road” of open access is supported by paying the publication fees for open access journals from a central budget. To do this, the Max Planck Digital Library acts as the central service facility to negotiate agreements with various open access publishers (for more information, please see the websites of Max Planck Digital Library).
The Max Planck Society is also linked to the Open Access initiative through numerous projects. It also supports or publishes its own open access publications, such as the eLIFE journal or the Edition Open Access website.

Explore Open Access Publishing at the Max Planck Society by following link

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