09 مايو 2010

صراع العمالقة

صراع العمالقة :

جوجل تعتزم إطلاق الكتب الرقمية على الشبكة العنكبوتية، تلك الكتب بطبيعة الحال هي من حصيلة مشروع المليون كتاب. قد نوهت كثيراً عن هذا الحراك من خلال الاخبار التي انقلها من خلال صفحتي على الفيس بوك تحت مسمى عصابات المعلومات Info. Gangs والذي يتتبع ما هو كائن في سوق صناعة المعلومات .
اليوم نضع بين ايديكم الخبر الوارد من البي بي سي حول برنامج جوجل للكتب الرقمية.

Google enters digital books war with launch of Editions

Search giant Google is set to launch its own online e-book store in 2010.
Google Editions books will allow people to download e-books to a range of devices
The Amazon Kindle is linked to books from the company's own store and similarly with Apple's iBookstore.
"It is a different approach to what most readers today have and the vision is to be able to access books in a device agnostic way," said Google spokesperson Gabriel Sticker.
To date Google has scanned over 12 million books, both in-print and out-of-print, giving it a greater selection of material than either Apple or Amazon.
Analysts at the Yankee Group have predicted that the US e-book reader market is "about to catch fire sparking from $1.3bn (£0.86bn) in revenue in 2010 to $2.5bn (£1.65bn) by 2013".
Now other industry watchers have said Google Editions will boost those figures further still.
"Anything that puts more kinds of art in people's hands in a way that fosters competition, innovation and creativity is good," said Whit Andrews, a senior vice president of research for Gartner.
Fierce battle With books accessed through Google Editions readable on any web enabled device from a mobile phone to a netbook and from a tablet to a desktop, the implications are clear for e-book stores tied to a single device.
In particular researchers point to trouble ahead for Amazon which, despite not releasing any specific figures, has been the leader in the market.

Read more: http://bit.ly/a0Q5VC