26 فبراير 2015

Asian Development Bank (ADB) adopts Open Access

Asian Development Bank (ADB) adopts Open Access for its Development Research

Asian Development Bank (ADB's) new open access website includes more than 2000 books, journals, reports, working papers, and briefs

The Open Access Repository OAR is ADB’s contribution to the open access community and serves as the primary container of all scholarly content and other knowledge products.
Through the OAR, ADB increases awareness of its role as a major producer of quality development research. OAR users are able to download, disseminate, and use ADB’s scholarly content and research publications with minimal restrictions.

Explore the ADB's Open Access resources further

25 فبراير 2015


Image result for altmetrics

What is Altmetrics?

In scholarly and scientific publishing, Altmetrics are non-traditional metrics proposed as an alternative to more traditional citation impact metrics, such as impact factor and h-index.

It is a new way to communicate and measure research

Who is Altmetrics? 

A London-based start-up focused on making article level metrics easy. Its mission is to track and analyse the online activity around scholarly literature.
  • Authors should be able to see the attention that their articles are receiving in real-time.
  • Publishers, librarians and repository managers should be able to show authors and readers the conversations surrounding their content.
  • Editors should be able to quickly identify commentary where a response is required.
  • Researchers should be able to see which recent papers their peers think are interesting.

Who is Altmetrics for?

24 فبراير 2015

Manar Al-Athar منار الآثار A free Multimedia Resource

Manar Al-Athar منار الآثار

Free multi-media resource for the study of the Middle East

مصادر مجانية متعددة الوسائط لدراسة حضارات الشرق الأوسط

Site logo

The Manar al-Athar website, based at the University of Oxford, aims to provide high resolution, searchable images for teaching, research, and publication. These images of archaeological sites, with buildings and art, will cover the areas of the former Roman empire which later came under Islamic rule, such as Syro-Palestine/the Levant, Arabia, Egypt, North Africa and Spain. The chronological range is from Alexander the Great (i.e., from about 300 BC) through, the Islamic period to the present. It is the first website of its kind providing such material labelled jointly in both Arabic and English. We will also be publishing related material, both online and on paper, in English and Arabic.

كلمة ترحيبية

يهدف موقع منار الآثار الإلكتروني، التابع لجامعة أكسفورد، إلى تزويدكم بصور عالية الجودة للغايات العلمية والتعليمية والبحثية؛ إذ تحتوي الصور على نماذج معمارية وفنية لمواقع أثرية كانت ضمن مناطق الإمبراطورية الرومانية السابقة والتي وقعت لاحقاً تحت الحكم الإسلامي: مثل بلاد الشام وبعض أجزاء الجزيرة العربية ومصر وشمال أفريقيا وأسبانيا. تمتد الفترة الزمنية لهذه المواقع الأثرية من أيام الإسكندر المقدوني (حوالي 300 قبل الميلاد) والفترة الإسلامية إلى الوقت الحاضر. يعد موقع منار الآثار الإلكتروني الأول من نوعه الذي يزود روّاده بمواد معنونة باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية معاً. فضلاً عن ذلك سيتم نشر مواد ذات صلة بالموضوع على الموقع الإلكتروني و بشكل ورقي باللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية

Manar al-Athar is Arabic for "Guide to Archaeology" and has been chosen because Manara, in Egypt, refers to both the Lighthouse of Alexandria (the Pharos) and to minarets. This conveys the transition, and often continuity, covered by the chronological range of the material.
قمنا بتسمية هذا الموقع بـ منار الآثار ليكون مصدراً علمياً لدراسي علم الآثار والحضارات القديمة؛ نسبةً الى منارة الاسكندرية في مصر، ونتمنى أن نكون قد وفقنا باختيار الاسم المناسب لهذا الموقع

23 فبراير 2015

Medknow: Open Access Publisher

Medknow: Open Access Publisher

Medknow Publications is one of the largest open access publishers in the world. It publish peer-reviewed, online and print-plus-online journals in medicine on behalf of learned societies and associations. it mainly operate the ‘Platinum’ model of open access publishing, providing immediate free access to online journals with no charge to the author or author's institution for submission, processing or publication.

To browse and search the latest open access journals and articles follow the link


22 فبراير 2015

إطلاق أكبر مكتبة رقمية عربية من مصر

تتيح محتوى الرسائل العلمية تيسيرًا على الباحثين للمرة الاولى

 سعيا منها لدعم المحتوى العربي على الإنترنت في عالم أصبح يسير بإيقاع رقمي، أطلقت مكتبة «العبيكان الرقمية» مكتبة «إثراء» لتكون أكبر مكتبة رقمية عربية تضم كل الإصدارات العربية في كل مجالات العلم والمعرفة على اختلاف فروعها وتخصصاتها وتنوع أشكال نشرها، ليستفيد منها كل قارئ وباحث وطالب علم في أي مكان في العالم.

ولأول مرة تتيح مكتبة «إثراء» الرسائل العلمية في صورة رقمية للباحثين، ليودعوا زمنا صعبا كان على الباحث فيه أن يجوب المكتبات ويتحمل مشقة التنقل من بلد لآخر أو من محافظة لأخرى للحصول على بضعة وريقات من رسالة معينة، قد لا يجدها فعليا على أرفف المكتبة أو تكون مستعارة من قبل باحث آخر، تلك العملية التي تهدر كثيرا من وقت الباحثين وطلاب العلم في العالم العربي، هي الآن في طريقها إلى الزوال.

التقت «الشرق الأوسط»، في القاهرة، عيد الحواش، نائب مدير المكتبة الرقمية «إثراء»، التي تنطلق من مصر، للحديث حول تلك المبادرة الثقافية الهامة التي تتبناها مكتبة «العبيكان»، وقال: «أصبحت هناك حاجة ماسة لمزيد من الإصدارات العربية المرقمنة عبر الإنترنت، خصوصا في ظل انتشار الأجهزة الذكية واللوحية وانتشار التطبيقات التي تتيح قراءة الكتب وتحميلها إلكترونيا، لذا وجدت (العبيكان) أنه حان الوقت للتفكير في مواكبة ما يشهده العالم من تطورات هائلة في تكنولوجيا الاتصالات والمعلومات، وتدشين مكتبة (إثراء) التي تهدف إلى نشر المحتوى الرقمي العربي على الوسائل التكنولوجية الحديثة مع الحفاظ على الملكية الفكرية والهوية العربية للمحتوى».

وأضاف الحواش: «لقد أصبح الكتاب الرقمي ضرورة للجميع، وترغب (العبيكان) في أن تكون مكتبة (إثراء) وسيلة كل باحث ومحب للفكر والثقافة في الوصول بطريقة سهلة للمعلومة، فقد حرصنا على أن تكون المكتبة الرقمية مبوبة ومصنفة وفق 

.أحدث طرائق التصنيف وأدوات البحث»

New Open Access Journal: The International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage

New Open Access Journal:  

The International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage

The International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage is a high-quality, international, open access, online, double blind reviewed publication which deals with all aspects of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage.

The International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage (IJRTP) was founded in 2013 by an international group of researchers (the Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Expert Group). The journal is published by the Dublin Institute of Technology, Cathal Brugha Campus, Dublin, Ireland. All articles in this journal are full text and available on open access.

To Browse and download the full text articles of this Open Access Journal follow the link below.


19 فبراير 2015

COAR -SPARC Conference 2015

 Image result for Joint COAR-SPARC Conference 2015 Connecting research results, bridging communities, opening scholarship April 15-16, 2015 Porto, Portugal
Joint COAR-SPARC Conference 2015
Connecting research results, bridging communities, opening scholarship
April 15-16, 2015
Porto, Portugal

For more details about the conference follow the link

18 فبراير 2015

Open Glossary

Open Glossary

 Open Glossary is a resource designed to equip people with the terminology that is used within discussions about the general field of open scholarship. Additionally, it possesses numerous external resources that may be of use. This has been a crowd-sourced effort (original document),  It will be updated every few months.


17 فبراير 2015

Open Access is not free

Paying the Bills 

Open access is not free. By saying that up front, I hope to confound some of the more extreme critics of the open access movement, who sometimes pretend that all OA supporters are dreamy-eyed and woolly-headed librarians who imagine that all information “wants” to be free. So I start from the premise that open access costs money, but I do immediately need to qualify that statement. By definition, open access does not charge the consumers of information any fee for access. It is free in that sense, but not in the sense that there are no costs involved in producing the works or making them freely available. 

See more at: 

16 فبراير 2015

Open Access Article Processing Charges: DOAJ Survey

Open Access Article Processing Charges: DOAJ Survey May 2014

As of May 2014, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) listed close to ten thousand fully open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journals. Most of these journals do not charge article processing charges (APCs). This article reports the results of a survey of the 2567 journals, or 26% of journals listed in DOAJ, that do have APCs based on a sample of 1432 of these journals. Results indicate a volatile sector that would make future APCs difficult to predict for budgeting purposes. DOAJ and publisher title lists often did not closely match. A number of journals were found on examination not to have APCs. A wide range of publication costs was found for every publisher type. The average (mean) APC of $964 contrasts with a mode of $0. At least 61% of publishers using APCs are commercial in nature, while many publishers are of unknown types. The vast majority of journals charging APCs (80%) were found to offer one or more variations on pricing, such as discounts for authors from mid to low income countries, differential pricing based on article type, institutional or society membership, and/or optional charges for extras such as English language editing services or fast track of articles. The complexity and volatility of this publishing landscape is discussed 

 See more at: 

15 فبراير 2015

Open Education Week March 2015

Open Education Week
Event Date:   Monday March 9, 2015 to Friday March 13, 2015

Event Location: Worldwide

Open Education Week is a celebration of the global Open Education movement. Its purpose is to raise awareness about the movement and its impact on teaching and learning worldwide. SPARC encourages campuses to participate in this annual international event by organizing events, sharing resources, and taking action to help celebrate the benefits of free and open sharing in education


11 فبراير 2015

Database of Southeast Asian Islamic Manuscripts


Database of Southeast Asian Islamic Manuscripts (D'SAIN)

Database of Nusantara Islam Manuscripts is a database that provides various informations related to Nusantara Islam manuscripts. The database covers a wide range of Nusantara Islam manuscripts-based research—using philological approach or other approaches; conducting by foreign scholars or native scholars. As the center of Nusantara Islam manuscripts, the database not only records the title, author, copyist, language, and literacy texts, but also provides a number of manuscript collections and catalogues including lists, and various publications relating to manuscript which is used as the primary resource of research. 

In addition, the database provides authors and copyists’ biographical information and their activities. Therefore, Database of Nusantara Islam Manuscripts, as the center of information and research on manuscript that can be accessed online, is very important for the manuscripts-based researches and other researches. 


08 فبراير 2015

Open Access Journal Kashmir Lit

Kashmir Lit is a platform for all those interested to write about Kashmir, particularly Kashmiri and diaspora writers. We will endeavor to feature credible authors who will
  • Enhance awareness of and be a good resource on all things Kashmiri
  • Garner moral support from people interested in Kashmir
  • Create new opportunities for writing about Kashmir through virtual and actual workshops, and interactions
Kashmir Lit, the word ‘Lit’ should not be confused with being short for “Literature” as in popular parlance. It is to be read as a whole word which means “set afire or burning”

05 فبراير 2015

Open Access Peer-Reviewed Journals

 Open Access Peer-Reviewed Journals by EGU

EGU, the European Geosciences Union, is Europe’s premier geosciences union, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the geosciences and the planetary and space sciences for the benefit of humanity.

EGU has been providing the open access to a variety of peer reviewed journals.  These diverse list of journals can be accessed throw following


04 فبراير 2015

صدور كتاب المستودعات الرقمية على الإنترنت

صدر مؤخرًا عن الهيئة العامة لقصور الثقافة بالقاهرة، كتاب: المستودعات الرقمية على الإنترنت، للزميلة الدكتورة إيمان فوزي عمر.
يشتمل الكتاب على ثلاث فصول: نشأة وتطورالمستودعات الرقمية المفتوحة، و تقييم المستودعات الرقمية المفتوحة على الإنترنت، و تصور مقترح لتأسيس مستودع مؤسسي جامعي على الانترنت.


Pakistan Research Repository

Pakistan Research Repository

Pakistan Research Repository is the project of Higher Education HEC Pakistan to promote intellectual work research produced by the academic institute of Pakistan under HEC.
This repository has digitized PhD theses and still in progress to archive more in a high quality digitized format. It provides free and single point access to view the manuscript of research executed, and disseminate this information as far as possible.

Pakistan Research Repository can be searched and browsed by following link


03 فبراير 2015

Open Archives Initiative

Open Archives Initiative: OAI

The Open Archives Initiative develops and promotes interoperability standards that aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content. The Open Archives Initiative has its roots in an effort to enhance access to e-print archives as a means of increasing the availability of scholarly communication. Continued support of this work remains a cornerstone of the Open Archives program. Open Archives Initiative is currently an organization and an effort explicitly in transition, and is committed to exploring and enabling this new and broader range of applications.

The Open Archives Initiative working on different projects as

The Open Archive Initiative can be accessed at: